Frequently Asked Questions

What if I Just Cannot Work Any More?

Unfortunately, illness, injury, and mental health issues sometimes make it nearly impossible to keep a job. Most of us need to eat and pay our bills. When all of your best efforts are just not enough, you should consult an attorney dedicated to your needs. If you are approved for benefits, you will also become eligible for Medicaid and/or Medicare to help pay for your medical bills.


Do I Really Need an Attorney?

Dealing with the government isn’t easy; the process can be very overwhelming. It is even more overwhelming when you realize that those first forms you complete may decide your entire case.

Far too many applications for benefits are denied over and over again. Many of us exaggerate to make ourselves appear stronger, smarter, richer, and more important at work. Unfortunately, making statements on your Social Security forms that are not entirely accurate can be very harmful to your case. If the government reviews your forms and decides that you have worked as a supervisor or manager, then it may conclude that someone with serious medical conditions could still get a job sitting down and bossing other people around.


What Do I Have to Pay?

In Social Security cases, our initial consultations are always FREE.  If we do decide to work together on your case, YOU WILL PAY NO ATTORNEY FEES UNLESS WE GET MONEY FOR YOU.